9 Things to do before You Graduate College ...

Donatella Jan 2, 2023

9 Things to do before You Graduate College ...
9 Things to do before You Graduate College ...

Your college years are the best years of your life and there are several things to do before you graduate college. I am proud to say that I have accomplished all of these things, therefore I am excited to share my experiences with you and walk you through the most important things to do before YOU graduate college.

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1. Speak with a Professor outside Your Major

Okay, so one of the best things to do before you graduate college is to speak with a professor who is not in your major. The benefits? You will learn awesome life lessons and you may even unlock a window of opportunity to take on a second major or gain a new perspective on a different major. The goal in college is ultimately to figure out what you want to do after school and to discover what drives you.

2. Take a Trip off Campus

Waking up every single day and only focusing on going to class and taking notes can be really boring. Spice up your college experience by taking a random and spontaneous trip off campus with your best friends. Maybe your school is near the beach, so why not take a trip to the beach for a day? Maybe your school is in the city, so why not walk around and treat yourself to a shopping day?

3. Attend a Program Put on by Your RA

Am I only throwing this one in there because I was an RA and wanted attendance to my events? No…Okay, maybe. But in all seriousness, RAs put a lot of time and effort into making sure your college experience is fun and engaging…MOST RAs are that cool, I should say (I was the coolest, though). If you are tired of being bored sitting in your room, get up and actually go to an event! Becoming friends with your RA is also a cool thing to do in college – but since I was the coolest you can just become friends with me and I’ll answer any questions or try to help you with whatever you’re currently going through!

4. Make as Many Friends as Possible

Guess what? You don’t have to go through life alone and you certainly should not go through college with only a handful of friends. What makes college extremely more entertaining and fun is to befriend everyone. Even if you were the shy girl who sat in the back of the room in high school, now is your time to SHINE, girl! Making friends can be as easy as, “Hey cute bag, where did you get it?” Boom…insta-friends! Try it. Be bold and be friendly.

5. Challenge Yourself

Not only is college super boring if you don’t spice up your days with off-campus trips and friends, but it is also super boring if you don’t feel challenged. It’s in our human nature to want to feel a sense of drive, motivation, and accomplishment. Make sure that while you’re in college, you challenge yourself and learn something new every single day. It will pay off in the long run and you will feel like Wonder Woman!

6. Make Yourself Known around Campus

How do you want to be remembered? Do you want to be remembered? Do you want people to know your name and recognize your face? If the answer is yes to even one of these questions, then it’s time for you to step up your game, get involved, and make yourself known around campus. Maybe I’m just an overachieving nerd by nature, but I absolutely loved to be that person that everyone would go to for questions about stuff going on around campus. I made sure to get myself involved in as many different organizations and clubs as possible and I loved being a part of it all. I certainly was always super busy but it was an amazing experience to dabble into everything, meet new people, and grow into a more confident and diverse woman.

7. Study Abroad

If you are ever presented with the opportunity to study abroad, you better take hold of it, grip it with both hands, and run to get a passport! Studying abroad is absolutely one of the most wonderful experiences and privileges in college. Not only will you meet new people but you will also build stronger relationships with the classmates that accompany you on the trip, learn a new language, experience a new culture, and have a blast!

8. Don’t Be Afraid to Change Your Major

Your future is in your hands, never be afraid or intimidated to change your major. As I mentioned previously, college is a time to figure out what you want to do after school is over…so why stick with a major and remain comfortably numb just because? Change can be tricky if you were forced into picking a major by your parents or family members, but at the end of the day, it’s your life and you need to do what makes you happy. The money will come – first focus on your goals, your desires, and your passion. To be real with you, I was a finance and economics double major because some people in my family went that route and I felt like I had to, too. But here I am out of college, not doing anything related to finance or econ, so my advice for you is to figure out what YOU want.

9. Have Fun

The number one thing on your list of To-Dos in college is to have fun…enjoy being a kid, embrace the college life. There is no need to rush growing up – it really boggles me why our generation is so focused on growing up so fast. You know what happens to the majority of people when they graduate? They wish they could be a college student again. So sit back and enjoy the ride.

You will 100% want to look back at your college years and confidently say, “Yes, I did everything I ever wanted to do.” There is a simple way to accomplish this – just do it! Make college everything you want it to be and more. What are some things you want to do before you graduate?

Feedback Junction

Where Thoughts and Opinions Converge

this is good advice im may be only sixteen but im thinking about college already. thanks for the tips so I know what to do

Hey I love your advice about college ...you know what ...i struggling about this right now ...i dunno what to do I always failed my major subject ...i think I dont love my major subject and also the professor ...

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