Get Ready to Make the Most of Winter Break ...


It's important to think of ways to make the most of winter break if you want to be productive and have fun. Winter break is much-needed by every student, but it shouldn't be spent lying around watching Netflix all day every day. Certainly, some days should be reserved for binge-watching TV, but on other days you should try to make a good use of your time. Check out these ways to make the most of winter break this year.

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Get a Seasonal Job

I don't know about you, but I always spend a lot of money during winter break. To counteract the negative effects of holiday spending, one of the best ways to make the most of winter break is to get a seasonal job. Seasonal jobs are just the right time for teens and young adults to get temporary work. All you have to do is work that youthful glow and put a smile on every day at work and you'll be able to keep the job all break! Plus, you'll make great friends and maybe even gain a few valuable connections from your winter job.


Reunite with Friends

This has to be one of my favorite ways to spend winter break. Reuniting with friends is important during this part of the year, and what better time to do that than over winter break? Go Christmas shopping together or you simply have a movie night in front of the fire. Either way, it's a great time to catch up with old friends.


Read a Book

No one reads enough these days, don't you agree? But reading books is a magical experience! It takes you to a new place in a matter of seconds, and each word carries you further into that literary world. You should take advantage of the opportunity to read as many books as you can over break, expand your vocabulary, and maybe learn something new! It's fun but also productive, which makes it the ideal way to spend your break.


Pick up a New Hobby

Whenever you have free time, you should always try to pick up a new hobby. There are so many hobbies out there that you never really should be bored. Plus, we live in the information age, where everything is just a click away. You can look up videos on how to play guitar, knit, garden, sew, and really anything! So learn something new this break, and return to school a more well-rounded young woman.


Spend Time with Family

Of course, this is sort of the whole point of winter break! If you have been away at college, you may be tempted just to sleep in all day and get some much-needed "me time." But you need to remember that the holiday season is about being thankful for those whom you love. Make sure you schedule in plenty of time to enjoy the company of your siblings and parents.

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Get Ahead on Projects

If your teachers or professors assigned projects that will be due either right after winter break or a few weeks after, don't procrastinate. There are so many more hours in the day when you don't have school to interrupt your day. Spend one or two hours a day getting ahead on projects, and you'll be thankful when everyone but you is cramming to finish!


Make Time for Fun

Lastly, remember to make time for fun when you're on winter break! Getting ahead on projects and reading books are important, but not as important as restoring your happiness. After finals you may be mentally drained, and you should focus on making time for fun and enjoying your youth.

I know I'm not the only one excited for winter break! What are you looking forward to doing most when school gets out? How will you make the most of your break?

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two days in the winter break & I'm still sleeping ! Loll 😆😫😓

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