9 Simple Ways to Find Quiet Time at College ...


While I was at college, I was constantly searching for ways to find quiet time. I loved the chaos of college life, but sometimes I just wanted some time to myself. However, searching for ways to find quiet time on a college campus is sometimes easier said than done. It was well worth doing though. I definitely needed some quiet time, especially before exams.

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1. Schedule Classes at Odd Times

One of the best ways to find quiet time at college is to schedule your classes during odd times. Most students opt for early morning and afternoon classes. If you choose late afternoon and evening classes, you'll usually have your dorm room all to yourself for a while. If you can't do this with all your classes, scheduling it so you have at least one day of quiet time a week is still incredibly refreshing.

2. Find the Quiet Corner

Every campus has its hot spots. These are pretty easy to find. Now that you know where everyone is hanging out, look for small corners on campus where few people gather. This might be a small lunch area or the old quad before new buildings were added. Ask a few upper classmen or even your professors and they'll be able to tell you where the best quiet corners are.

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3. Visit the Dining Hall

The dining hall isn't always a busy place. In fact, if you go between lunch and dinner, you'll usually find it empty or almost empty. Enjoy the quiet time by sitting in an available booth. I used to do this if I needed a quiet place to study for a few hours. Keep in mind, the dining hall might not serve food during off hours. If you're hungry, take a snack with you.

4. Learn Lab off Hours

Most every college campus has various labs for students to get help with homework, study or complete assignments. Find a lab near your dorm and see what the off hours tend to be. Usually, these labs are nearly empty during peak class times. Try to find a lab that doesn't coincide with your own class schedule. You'll be amazed at how quiet these places can be.

5. Visit the Campus Religious Center

While all campuses might not have a religious center, such as a chapel or temple, many do. These are quiet places by nature. These are ideal if you just want a few peaceful moments to think about things. If you have a lot going on, you can also find people to talk to here. These centers are typically open throughout the day, but may close in the early evening.

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6. Explore Athletic Venues

When practice is over and no games are scheduled, football stadiums and basketball courts are perfect quiet places. Usually, both are open for students to get in some extra practice or for PE classes. Take advantage of them. Find a quiet place to sit and get some work done. Or just sit back and relax before your next class. Don't be surprised if you see a handful of others doing the same.

7. Reserve Practice Rooms

Most colleges that offer a music or drama program also have practice rooms. These are private rooms that are usually soundproof. They're designed to keep students' privacy while they practice. Ask about reserving one of these rooms a few days each week. You'll usually be able to reserve one unless it's right before a recital or production. Personally, I used to love sneaking away to my own private room for a few hours every week.

8. Work It out with Your Dormmate

If you'd rather have some quiet time in a place where you're more comfortable, talk to your dormmate. Create a schedule where she heads out for a certain period each day or week to give you some time alone. Be willing to do the same for her. Sometimes this is one of the easiest methods. You might both need to rearrange the schedule if you need extra study time.

9. Stay at off Campus Apartments

If possible, try to rent an off campus apartment. These university apartments are still associated with the college, but they're located just off campus. They cost more than a dorm room, but you'll usually have your own room. Partner with two or three friends to lower costs. Everyone can have their own quiet space. Usually, you won't be able to do this until your sophomore year.

Quiet time at college isn't impossible. You just have to know where to look for it. During your first few weeks at school, scope out the best possible quiet zones. What are some of your favorite quiet places at college?

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As a musician struggling to get practice time, I would be so pissed off if someone signed out a practice room just to sit there. Please don't do this unless you actually need to practice!!!!!

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