7 Ways to Win Back Your Parents' Trust ...


What are your usual ways to win back your parents' trust? Yep, we’ve all been there. Being a teenager can be difficult, and it’s hard to go through that entire stretch of growing up without betraying your parents' trust. It’s just as hard to win back trust, though. It’s one of those weird things that is almost freely given, but it takes a huge, concentrated effort to win it back. Rebuilding trust once it’s been damaged or lost is no easy task – but if you need to do it, here are some ways to win back your parents' trust that have worked through the ages.

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1. Admit It…

One of the most vital ways to win back your parents' trust is to talk to them about what happened. Whatever it was, you need to show that you accept that you shouldn’t have done it and that you’ve learnt from your mistake. This sounds easy, but this type of conversation can quickly spiral into an argument or a stream of excuses. Make an effort to avoid these, because they just make you look childish and reinforce your parents decision not to trust you. Instead, behave at your mature, sophisticated and knowledgeable best.


Having your parents’ trust is essential for a healthy relationship with them, especially during your teenage years. If you’ve done something to lose their trust, it can be difficult to win it back. However, it is possible to repair the relationship and regain their trust.

One of the most important steps to winning back your parents’ trust is to admit your mistake. Talk to them about what happened and explain that you understand why it was wrong and why your parents are not happy with it. Avoid making excuses or arguing, as this will only make it harder to win back their trust. Instead, approach the conversation with maturity and understanding.

In addition to admitting your mistake, it is important to apologize sincerely and show that you are willing to take responsibility for your actions. Show your parents that you are willing to make changes and learn from your mistake. You should also show your parents that you are willing to follow their rules and respect their decisions.

It is also important to be patient and understanding of your parents’ feelings. They may need time to process what happened and to rebuild the trust. While they are doing this, it is important to be respectful and supportive.

2. Keep the Lines of Communication Open…

Don’t let the situation deteriorate into that awkward stoniness. If it already has, make a concerted effort to start conversations and be chatty. You might not feel like it, but again, being cold and silent is seen as childish and it won’t help convince your parents that you are old and wise enough to be trusted. You don’t need to talk about what happened once you’ve got that initial conversation out of the way, but do talk about something, even if it’s current affairs or news about school/work/your friends/celebrities.

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3. Be Honest…

If you don’t trust someone, you automatically question the things that they say to you. This means little white lies are much easier to uncover and they seem like a big deal. Make an effort to be completely truthful while you are regaining your parents' trust, so that if they check out anything that you say, they’ll find that you were honest. So, whether it’s what you had for lunch, where you are spending the weekend or who you are texting, be honest and open, and you’ll start to slowly rebuild that trust.

4. Set Benchmarks…

When the heat from whatever incident made your parents stop trusting you has died down, schedule a chat with them about moving forward. It’s best to do this in a relaxed environment, when everyone is feeling happy. Avoid times when people are in a rush, or might be stressed! If you order an evening takeaway, for example, you could sit and talk about it then. Create a roadmap for success, so that you know exactly what you need to do to build trust. Ask your parents to identify specific behaviors which will help them trust you more (calling when you say you will, being home on time, getting good grades, doing your chores…) and behaviors that diminish trust (slamming doors, cursing, talking back, ignoring homework, getting into trouble at school, being late home).


During the conversation with your parents, establish clear benchmarks—those tangible milestones that will show your progress. It's much like setting SMART goals: Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound. Agree on a timeline for reassessment, such as a weekly check-in to discuss outcomes and feelings. Embrace both the positive reinforcements for when you follow through, such as words of praise or more freedom, and the consequences if you slip up. Remember, every positive action is a step closer to regaining their trust, and consistent efforts will show that you’re committed to change. Keep the dialogue open and honest; transparency is key.

5. Motivate Yourself…

Once you’ve got your benchmarks, you can set yourself some targets to work towards meeting them. For example, if you tend to curse, think up some techniques that you could do instead. Some people find that pinging an elastic band around their wrist helps, or going for a run. Try different methods until you find one that works for you, and then move on to the next thing. If you come up with a method for each item, you are much more likely to succeed than if you just wing it.

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6. Accept Advice…

Your parents might try to offer you advice as you regain their trust. This could be on anything, from the way you dress to your schooling or your job or your boyfriend or your friends. Don’t get angry. Instead, hear your parents out. Let them share their advice, and the reasoning behind it. Take in what they are saying and thank them for sharing. Tell them you will consider what they’ve said. Now you can think about it, and if it doesn’t fit, you don’t have to act upon it. You’ll have shown maturity and forward-thinking, though, and that you are listening.

7. Be Patient…

It sucks, but another of the most essential ways to win back your parents' trust is to remember that it takes time. Trust is fragile. It’s one of the only things that people tend to give to complete strangers, rather than making them earn it. It is difficult to gain back, and it’s also difficult to know what will make you trust someone again. It’s all emotional. Remember that you are on the right track and try not to get frustrated if things aren’t moving as fast as you would like.

All of these ways to win back your parents' trust will help your parents to see you as being mature and honest, and to allow you some leeway. Remember how difficult it is to rebuild trust, though, and try to keep some of these concepts alive even when the trust is back. That will ensure that you keep building trust, and reduce the chances of you ending up having to win trust back again. What are your favorite ways to win back your parents' trust? I’d love to hear what has worked for you.

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#1 same

#4 what if they say they dont know how you can earn their trust back

I need help getting my parents trust back because they don’t trust me with a lot of things now.

Thanks you for that

i really hope that i will gain my parents trust back because i have royally screwed up and im not sure that they will ever trust me again

Hello, I have told lots of lies and this article is true


I need to know how to get my parents trust and love back because they don’t trust me with a lot of things now.

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