Stand out with These 21 Senior Picture Ideas ...

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Stand out with These 21 Senior Picture Ideas ...

It's that time of year. If you're a senior in high school, it's time to book your yearbook photo shoot. Seniors get to have lovely professional photos done rather than the lame blue background ones that usually appear in the yearbook. The only trouble is choosing the look that you want and with so many options, that can be pretty hard to do. Check out these fabulous senior pictures and I bet you'll find something that you want for yours.

1 Show off Your Sparkle

You'll never sparkle like you do now, so make sure it shows in your senior photos.

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2 Grad Year

This is a really fun idea, don't you think?

3 Include Your Hobby

In this case, it's books, but if you love dancing, sewing or skating, use props that prove it in your senior photos.

4 In the Mirror

You can bet that no one else is going to use this idea for their senior photos.

5 In a Favorite Place

If you have a favorite place to hang out, it makes the perfect place for a photo shoot.

6 In the Water

There's something so carefree about having your photo taken in the water.

7 Wear Your Letter Jacket

Your letter jacket is an obvious choice for a senior photo shoot.

8 Simple Background

Keeping your background simple lets the focus stay on you.

9 From a Distance

If you don't like close up shots, a great distance shot is the perfect choice.

10 From the Waist up

This pose is just about as perfect as it gets.

11 Totally Cute

Balloons are the perfect metaphor for the fact that you're about to take off into the world.

12 Outside is the Best

Seeing a theme? Outdoor photos are great for your seniro pics.

13 Your Favorite Sport

If you play a sport, use the equipment as props.

14 From up above

Try a new perspective when you have your senior pics taken.

15 At Night

Most senior pics are taken during the day, but why not have yours done at night?

16 Wear Bright Colors

Bright colors let you shine in the best way.

17 Bright Background

Of course, you can also wear neutral clothes and go with a bold background.

18 Retro Look

Don't you just love this retro style dress?

19 Cute Outfit

Choose a cute look like this one and you'll have the best senior pics around.

20 Have Some Fun

You only get to do senior pictures once, so have fun with them.

21 In Action

A photo in action is never a bad idea.

What's your favorite idea here? Any others to add?

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