7 Reasons Why You Don't Need a Date for Prom ...


Sure going to prom with a crush-worthy guy will make your night that much special, but in reality you don’t really need a date for prom. You might feel like everyone else is coupling up and leaving you lonesome but in actuality, there are plenty of others who are also flying solo! There is no rule that says you must be a part of a duo to have a blast at prom. Dancing the night away with friends can be equally unforgettable and enjoyable. Therefore don’t base your attendance on having a date for prom; you don’t want to miss out on a once in a lifetime opportunity!

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1. You’ll Have More Freedom

Going to prom solo just means less time worrying about how your date for prom feels about the dance and spending more time however YOU want it. You won’t feel the pressure of entertaining your date and making sure he or she is having fun! Just the feeling of not being tied down to one person throughout the night will allow you to mingle with several groups of people and spend the night like it should be spent.

2. No Need for Awkward Prom Pictures

No date for prom means that you get to easily dodge the classic and awkwardly staged pictures of your date slipping on the corsage or having his arms around your waist from behind. Plus you wont have to face the pressure of meeting his or her family and instead you will get the chance to take candid pictures with some of your closest friends.

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3. More Time with Friends

Just because you are going solo doesn’t mean that you will have to spend the night alone. As long as you get a couple of single friends and attend as a group, you are bound to have some fun! You won’t have to worry about your dance moves or how you look like throughout the night because you goal will just solely be to enjoy the night.

4. Less after-prom Pressure

Oftentimes, your prom date can have certain expectations after prom, but not having a date rids you of any pressure at the end of the night. It is up to you to decide whether you’ll just have a sleepover with your closest friends or just go out for the rest of the night. No date means no pressure whatsoever!

5. You Can Dance with Whomever You Want

Instead of having to dance with one person throughout the whole night, you will have unlimited options for a dance partner. You will get to mingle and make fun memories with your whole graduation class, and really make long lasting connections. So don’t feel bad about not having a date, because you might actually end up having more fun than some of the prom couples!

6. There is No Need to Match

In addition to not having to worry about your prom date’s experience, you won’t have to purposely pick out a dress so that you and your date can match. You can finally find the perfect dress that you like without having to worry whether your date will find something to match along with it. You will have enough difficulties finding a dress that fits like a glove, so not having a date will make things much easier.

7. You Will Still Make Unforgettable Memories

Who says you need a date for an unforgettable night? Prom is not about couples; it is about celebrating four years of your life with your graduating class and just having a blast for what might be the very last time wit this group of people. You don’t want to regret not having that experience just because nobody asked you to prom.

No matter how you feel about prom, it is best to just join in on the celebration! It is what might be the best night of your life and if it isn’t, it is better to have some memories of your prom than none at all. Do you think it is important to have a date for prom? Share your thoughts in the comments!

Feedback Junction

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Actually for some schools you have to have a date to go....

I agree. I went to a big deal dance with a date, then we broke up. After that there was a dance at my school and one that I was supposed to go with him to on the same night, so long story short, I had an even better time with my gal pal's then I did with him :)

Haha this article came out in perfect timing! Formal is coming soon and knowing these points, I don't feel as pressured to bring a date anymore(:

I liked my formal but it wasn't that brilliant, at the end of the night i had a good time and had a good time with my friends so it was okay ☺️

I just went to prom this past weekend and I didn't take a date and I was worried I wouldn't have fun. I'm soo happy I didn't take one. It was my senior prom and it is gonna be the most memorable night ever!

I had my boyfriend as my date and I don't mean to be a downer but when a slow song comes on and other girls don't have dates it's sad to see them sitting by themselves. :/

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