8 Learner Types and How to Play to Their Strengths ...

Neecey Mar 1, 2014

When you sit in class, you are with a group of students who can all be categorized into some specific learner types – eight in fact. If you struggle in one particular class, or with one specific tutor/teacher/professor, it could well be that they are not delivering the lesson in a way that is suitable to your learner type (and not that you are useless at the subject!). It would be extremely onerous to expect any and every teacher to accommodate all learner types when they deliver a lesson, but if you as a student recognize which learner type you are, you can conduct your own studies in ways that are most beneficial to you. You may even find yourself acing that class you’ve been failing at all year.

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1. Visual Learners

Although it is one of the common learner types, they are often left wanting in class. If you find it easier to understand concepts and remember information in graphical or pictorial form, then this makes you a visual learner. The good thing about visual learning is that you can include lots of information in a single visual representation. The trouble with visual learning, however, is that schools and colleges don’t use visual communication as much as other forms of communication, such as verbal and written communication.


Visual learners are people who find it easier to understand concepts and remember information when presented in graphical or pictorial form. Visual learning can be beneficial as it allows for the inclusion of lots of information in a single visual representation. However, visual learners can be at a disadvantage in school or college settings, as these educational institutions often rely on verbal and written communication rather than visual communication. There are many strategies that can help visual learners succeed in their studies, such as creating visual aids such as diagrams, mind maps, and charts to help them better remember and understand concepts. Additionally, visual learners can benefit from studying in groups or with a tutor, as they can discuss topics and ideas in a visual way.

2. Sensory Learners

Sensory learner types don’t do well with abstractions. They like information that is factual, concrete and immediately relevant. If you are someone who likes to search for the facts, then you are probably a sensory learner. You can play to your strength by outlining subjects and topics in a factual, sequential way. The problem with sensory learner types is that they tend to stick with what they know, instead of trying to adapt and innovate. This is why you should also focus on learning conceptual, theoretical information, and then use your factual learning ability to analyze and assess such information.


Sensory learners often prefer to learn through hands-on activities and visual aids. They like to be able to touch, feel, and explore the materials they are working with. They also do well with repetition and practice, as it helps them to remember the material they are learning. It is important for sensory learners to have a variety of activities to keep them engaged and to help them stay focused. Providing them with a comfortable environment to learn in can also help them to stay on task. Sensory learners tend to be more active learners, so providing them with opportunities to move around can be beneficial.

3. Verbal Learners

Verbal learner types find it easier and more effective to learn by hearing information, instead of reading it. If you are a verbal learner, then you are in many ways lucky because it is easy to play to your strengths. Focus on what teachers say, make the most out of audio content online and use a Dictaphone to record information and play it back to yourself. The problem with verbal learning is that it takes more time to present and explain information verbally, as opposed to word/graphical/pictorial/diagrammatical learning, so here you should work to develop your skills so you don’t fall behind.


Verbal learners are great at remembering information that is presented to them verbally, such as lectures, conversations and audio recordings. They benefit from listening to audio recordings, podcasts, and even audiobooks. To help them stay on top of their studies, they should also try to use study techniques like flashcards, mind maps, and summarizing notes. It's important for verbal learners to practice active listening, which involves paying close attention to the speaker, asking questions, and taking notes. Additionally, verbal learners can practice their communication skills by engaging in debates and conversations with their peers.

4. Intuitive Learners

Intuitive learners are kind of the opposite of sensory learners. They are interested in finding the meaning behind the information instead of simply knowing the facts. As such, if you are an intuitive learner type, then you will prefer to learn with theoretical and conceptual information. You can work to your strengths by working first to understand subjects as a whole, before getting down to the nitty gritty. If you are a very intuitive learner type, then there is the chance that you may miss important facts and details, so make sure you make the effort to learn the facts and memorize the information that you need to.


Intuitive learners thrive on understanding the bigger picture and often prefer to learn with abstract and theoretical information. They are able to think outside the box, making connections between different ideas and concepts. However, they may sometimes miss important facts and details, so it is important for them to make an effort to learn and memorize the necessary information. Intuitive learners should also practice active listening, as this will help them to understand the material more thoroughly. To help them succeed, they should break down complex topics into smaller pieces and focus on the main points. Additionally, they should try to find interesting ways to learn, such as using visual aids or engaging in activities that involve problem-solving.

5. Active Learners

Active learner types like to get involved with what they are learning. They learn by experimentation, manipulation and general tinkering. If you love practical lessons and working in groups then you will be an active learner to at least some degree. Play to your strengths by focusing on subjects that are practical, while for subjects that are very informational (such as history), arrange group sessions to bring out your activate learner.


Active learners are those who prefer to learn by doing. Examples of active learning activities include hands-on experiments, group discussions, role-playing, simulations, and field trips. Active learners tend to be more engaged in the learning process and enjoy working in groups. They often learn best when they can explore and experiment with the material they are studying. It is important for active learners to be able to express their ideas and share their experiences with their peers. To maximize their learning potential, active learners should be given opportunities to participate in activities that allow them to interact with the material. By providing active learners with activities that involve experimentation, manipulation, and tinkering, they can gain a deeper understanding of the subject matter.

6. Sequential Learners

Sequential learner types like to learn with information that is presented and ordered in a structured and orderly fashion. They go from one point to the next, slowly assimilating the information until the bigger picture emerges. If this is the way you like to learn, then you are in luck! It is easy to break subjects down and arrange the most important facts in an orderly way. Just remember not to get too bogged down in the details.


Sequential learners are those who prefer to learn information in a structured and organized way. They tend to process information step-by-step, and develop an understanding of the bigger picture as they go. This type of learner does well with structured and organized subjects, such as math, science, and history. They may struggle with more abstract or creative subjects, such as art and music. It is important for sequential learners to keep their focus on the big picture, and not get too bogged down in the details. With the right approach, they can use their strengths to excel in any subject.

7. Global Learners

If sequential learners like to work to understand the bigger picture by going through the small points in order, then global learners prefer to understand the bigger picture first, and then fill in the details afterwards. If you are a global learner who finds it easy to understand the bigger picture, then you can play to your strengths by reading around the subject. This will strengthen your overall understanding.


Global learners are those who prefer to understand the bigger picture first and then fill in the details afterwards. They are able to think more abstractly and make connections between different concepts. Global learners are often more creative and can think outside the box. They may also be more able to handle complex and dynamic tasks. To play to their strengths, global learners should read around the subject to gain a better understanding of the material. Additionally, they may benefit from using visual aids such as diagrams or charts to help them better understand the material.

8. Reflective Learners

Reflective learners like to think about things. They like to analyze and assess in their mind before they get involved, and this makes them the opposite of active learners. If you are a reflective learner, then you have less need to write things down than other people, and here you can save time by simply thinking instead of writing. However, you should be careful with subjects and topics where you are required to make decisions and take action. Make sure you practice your practical skills.

Have you recognized yourself as one of the learner types? Do you think knowing this now will help you focus on appropriate ways to study for your learner type to achieve better grades?

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