How to Handle an Embarrassing Crush on a Teacher ...

Alison Jun 22, 2015

How to Handle an Embarrassing Crush on a Teacher ...
How to Handle an Embarrassing Crush on a Teacher ...

Do you have a crush on one of your teachers? This is perfectly normal, and plenty of girls go through this. They seem so mature compared to high school boys. But you can't act on it, so how do you deal with seeing your crush every day? Having a crush on a teacher can be quite painful, and even embarrassing, so here's how to handle it …

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1. Don't Even Think about Acting on It

However much you may be tempted to hint to your teacher how you feel, keep quiet. Don't even think about making a move. You're likely to embarrass yourself, however tactfully they handle it. There's no chance of a relationship with them; it would put their job at risk, and could even lead to legal charges.


It is not uncommon for teens to develop a crush on their teacher, especially during the teenage years when emotions are high and hormones are raging. While it may seem like a harmless crush, it is important to remember that acting on it is never a good idea.

A teacher-student relationship is a power imbalance, and it is illegal in many countries. If the student acts on their feelings, they risk embarrassing themselves, and their teacher could even face legal charges.

It is important to remember that the teacher-student relationship is a professional one, and it should always remain that way. If you have a crush on your teacher, it is best to keep it to yourself. Do not flirt, make jokes, or try to hint at your feelings. It is also important to remember that your teacher is not available for a relationship, and that any advances will be rejected.

If you are struggling to manage your feelings, it is important to talk to someone. A trusted adult, such as a parent, school counselor, or therapist, can help you process your feelings and find healthy ways to cope.

2. Respect Your Teacher's Position

Your teacher is in a position of authority, so respect that. However mature you think you are, you're not their equal. So let them do their job. They're here to help you learn and prepare you for the world as an adult - but that doesn't include a personal relationship. Don't try to blur the lines and make them into something they can't be.


Having a crush on a teacher is not uncommon, and can be a tricky situation to navigate. It is important to remember that your teacher is in a position of authority and should be respected. It is also important to keep in mind that your teacher cannot have a personal relationship with you, so it is best to not blur the lines between student and teacher.

When a student has a crush on a teacher, it can be very embarrassing and awkward for the student. It is important to remember that your teacher is not likely to be aware of your feelings, and it is best to not make it obvious. It is also important to remember that your teacher is likely to be professional and will not act on any feelings of attraction.

If you are feeling overwhelmed by your crush, it is important to talk to someone you trust about it. This could be a friend, a family member, a counselor, or any other trusted adult. Talking to someone about your feelings can help to put them in perspective and can help to make them less overwhelming.

Frequently asked questions

Totally normal! Teachers can seem super smart, kind, and understanding – all qualities that are easy to like. Plus, they're usually great at listening and giving advice, which can feel amazing.

Focus on the things that make them just another person. Think about their quirks and flaws. Also, getting involved in activities or hobbies you love can help you shift your focus away from them.

Having a crush is not bad at all – it’s a natural feeling. Just remember it's important to keep it respectful and know that acting on it isn’t appropriate due to the teacher-student relationship.

Try to spend more time with friends and meet new people your own age. Keeping busy and making new connections can help you move on. Also, talking to someone you trust about your feelings can make it easier.

Yes, most likely! Crises tend to fade as time goes by, especially when you start liking new people or get busy with different activities. Be patient with yourself; it’s all part of growing up.

3. It's Normal - Teachers Can Be Cute!

It's really very normal for students to have a crush on a teacher. Teachers are human, and can even be quite cute. So you're not at all unusual if you develop a crush on one of your teachers. Your teenage years can be pretty intense, and having a crush on a teacher is like having one on a celeb - it's a rehearsal for genuine relationships.


Having a crush on a teacher can be an embarrassing situation for any student. It can be difficult to navigate, as it can create a feeling of awkwardness in the classroom. It is important to remember that teachers are human, and it is normal to develop a crush on someone you admire.

It is important to remember that your teacher is off-limits, and it is inappropriate to act on any feelings you may have. It is best to keep your thoughts and feelings to yourself, and try to focus on the learning material in the classroom.

If you find yourself feeling particularly embarrassed, it can help to talk to a trusted friend or family member about your situation. They can provide you with an objective perspective and can help you manage your emotions in a healthy way. It can also help to remember that crushes are a normal part of growing up, and it is nothing to be ashamed of.

If you find yourself struggling to focus in class due to your feelings, it can help to talk to your teacher and explain the situation. They can provide you with additional support and understanding, and can help you to focus on the material in class.

4. Keep It to Yourself, or Everyone Will Know

Crushes are best kept to yourself; if you tell anyone, there's a big chance it'll leak out. Then before long everyone knows and will make jokes about you. News travels even faster on social media, so unless you want photoshopped pics or mean comments to be posted - keep quiet about your crush.


Having a crush on a teacher is a common experience for many teenagers. It can be an exciting, yet embarrassing feeling. If you find yourself in this situation, it is important to remember that it is completely normal to have a crush on someone older than you. However, it is important to keep your crush to yourself. Telling your friends may seem like a good idea, but it can quickly backfire. Once word gets out, it can spread quickly and soon everyone will know about your crush. This can lead to embarrassing jokes and comments, as well as photoshopped images being posted on social media.

It is also important to remember that having a crush does not mean that your teacher has the same feelings for you. It is not appropriate to pursue a romantic relationship with a teacher, and it can be seen as a form of misconduct. It is best to keep your distance and focus on your studies. If you find yourself feeling overwhelmed, it is important to talk to someone you trust, such as a parent or a counselor. They can provide you with the support and guidance you need to get through this difficult situation.

5. Don't Take It out on Your Teacher

You might actually get angry with your teacher, as if it's their fault that you can't act on your crush. Don't take it out on them. And you shouldn't try to conceal your crush by acting up in class or making out that you hate your teacher. Either you'll draw attention to yourself with your strange behavior, or you'll get yourself into trouble.


Having a crush on a teacher can be embarrassing, especially if you are a teen. It can be hard to focus in class and you might feel like everyone can tell what you are thinking. But it is important to remember that it is a normal part of growing up and there are ways to manage it.

First, it is important to keep your feelings to yourself. Don't take it out on your teacher or try to conceal your crush by acting up in class. This will only draw attention to yourself and may get you into trouble.

Second, remember that the teacher is a professional. They can't act on your feelings and it is not their responsibility to do so. You should focus on your studies and try to keep your crush out of your mind as much as possible while in class.

Third, talk to someone you trust about your feelings. It can be helpful to talk to a friend, parent, or counselor about your crush. They can provide you with advice and support.

Finally, remember that these feelings will pass. It might feel like you will never get over your crush, but with time you will. It is important to be patient and give yourself time to move on.

6. Focus on Your Work, and Don't Get Distracted by Your Crush

School may be boring at times, but don't lose focus of what you're there for - to learn. Distract yourself from your crush by concentrating on your work and getting good grades. Your future is important; you need good grades to get into your chosen college and get a good job.

7. Wait for It to Pass

Yes, your crush feels so important to you right now that you can't imagine it disappearing - but it will. Before long you won't even remember why you felt so strongly about them. If knowing your crush will go nowhere makes you feel sad, console yourself with the fact that it will pass.

It can hurt to know that your teacher is out of reach, but that's where they have to stay. Let it pass, and find someone appropriate to date - in your own age group. Have you ever had a 'weird crush' that nobody understands?

Feedback Junction

Where Thoughts and Opinions Converge

We have a campus-crush prof. That is kinda close to me. Coz we always talk about "human nature" coz his a pyschology prof. Can relate in this. Haha! Thanky ❤

Thank you

My aunt had a crush on her teacher while she was in university, he was married and had a child (I think). When l was in 6th grade l had a crush on my 40 yr old teacher (who looked 26), and my sport couch who was 21 with the cutest face and hair


#1 my math teacher is hot

#1 wish my teachers would had molested me i would had never told but would of had a best memory for life,

#1 omg...

Its my History prof. He and I share a lot of the same interests and we talk a lot after school ends

#3 love this

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