7 Helpful Tips for Teens Trying to Negotiate with Your Parents ...


7 Helpful Tips for Teens Trying to Negotiate with Your Parents ...
7 Helpful Tips for Teens Trying to Negotiate with Your Parents ...

Negotiating with your parents is a pretty daunting task, but every once in a while you need to stand up for yourself and do so tactfully! Your parents have so much control over your life that negotiating with them often seems impossible, but every teen can do it! Before you go storming into your mom or dad’s office, keep in mind these helpful tips for negotiating with your parents.

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1. Prove You’re Responsible

Before you even think about negotiating with your parents, you need to prove that you’re responsible. For an example, let’s say you want to push back your curfew from 11 to 12. The first step will be abiding by the 11 o’clock curfew every time you go out. This will prove to your parents that you’re responsible and know how to follow their rules. Eventually, when you ask to extend your curfew to 12, your parents will be far more willing to negotiate than if you had been completely irresponsible under your previous curfew!


Negotiating with parents can be a difficult task for teenagers, but it is possible with the right approach. To start, teens should focus on proving to their parents that they are responsible. This can be done by following the rules that are already established and not taking advantage of any freedoms that have been granted. Once trust has been established, teens can then begin to negotiate for more freedom or privileges.

When negotiating, teens should come to the conversation with a well-thought-out plan and be prepared to listen to their parents’ concerns. It is important to be respectful and understanding of their parents’ point of view, even if it is not the same as their own.

Teens should also be willing to compromise and make concessions if needed. This could mean agreeing to certain conditions or restrictions in exchange for more freedom or privileges. It is important to keep the lines of communication open and to be willing to compromise.

Finally, teens should remember to be patient and persistent. It may take multiple conversations and negotiations to reach an agreement. It is also important to remember that parents want what is best for their children and are likely to be more receptive if teens are respectful and understanding.

2. Have a Plan

Once you think your parents are ready to hear you out, you’ll need to construct a “game plan” for how the conversation might go. Jot down a few notes on your key arguments the day before you intend to negotiate with your parents. Also, make note of possible counterarguments your parents will have. For example, if your parents object to your later curfew because criminal activity gets higher as the night goes on, you’ll need a rebuttal such as, “I won’t leave the safety of my friend’s house until it’s time to come home”. Make sure that every counterargument has a logical rebuttal, and that you have enough support for your argument that your parents simply can’t say no!


Negotiating with parents can be daunting for teens, but it doesn't have to be. Teens can use the tips in this article to help them find success in their negotiations.

One of the tips is to have a plan. Teens should jot down their key arguments and possible counterarguments on the day before they intend to negotiate with their parents. It's also important to have a logical rebuttal for each counterargument. Teens should also make sure they have enough evidence to support their argument so their parents can't say no.

It's also important for teens to remain calm and respectful during the negotiation. Teens should avoid raising their voices or being disrespectful to their parents. It's also important to listen to their parents and be open to compromise.

Another helpful tip is to be prepared to negotiate. Teens should be prepared to answer questions and provide evidence to support their argument. They should also be prepared to compromise and be willing to negotiate.

Finally, teens should remember to be patient and persistent. Negotiating with parents can take some time, and it's important to be patient and persistent. Teens should also remember to be respectful and maintain a positive attitude throughout the negotiation.

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3. Sit down

Now, when it’s time to actually negotiate with your parents, an important rule is to sit down. Literally, pull up a chair and sit to talk with them. Standing can make the whole deal seem casual, but you’ll still feel just as nervous. And, if you’re like me, then you shake all over when you’re nervous! But standing in front of your parents trembling like a leaf won’t help them take you seriously! If you want your parents to listen to everything you have to say during a negotiation, sit up straight in your chair and face them as you talk. This behavior will show that you mean business and assure them that you’re determined to get your way.

4. Be Mature

Being mature when you negotiate with your parents is critical, because you need to act like an adult if you want to be treated like one. Being mature means that you can’t whine or beg for the later curfew, the way you would demand things when you were a child. If your parents seem to be leaning toward a “no”, don’t throw a temper tantrum to try and get your way. That will ultimately have the opposite effect, convincing your parents that you’re too immature to deserve any freedoms you don’t already have. So approach your parents the way you would a job interviewer - as mature as possible!


Negotiating with parents can be a tricky situation for teens. It is important to understand that your parents are not trying to be difficult or unreasonable, but rather they are looking out for your best interests. To ensure that your negotiations are successful, it is important to be mature and respectful.

When negotiating with parents, it is important to be clear and concise in your arguments. Make sure to highlight the benefits of your proposed changes and explain why it is important to you. Additionally, it is important to be open to compromise and be willing to negotiate on the details.

It is also important to remember that your parents are not obligated to agree to your requests. If your parents seem to be leaning towards a “no”, it is important to remain calm and not throw a temper tantrum. This will only make it more difficult to reach an agreement.

Finally, it is important to remember that your parents are the adults in the situation and should be treated with respect. Showing that you understand their concerns and that you are willing to compromise will help you reach an agreement. Keep in mind that your parents are likely to be more open to negotiation if you demonstrate maturity and respect.

5. Be Respectful

While you are negotiating with your parents, you need to be respectful of them. Parents hate dealing with disrespect from their children, because they know they raised you better than that. Plus, your parents deserve respect, so treating them accordingly is the right thing to do. Even though you may have a perfect counterargument for their every argument, you shouldn’t interrupt them when they speak. Don’t act impatient or careless of your parents' opinions, instead behave like the respectful daughter they raised!


Negotiating with parents can be a difficult task, especially for teenagers. It is important to remember to remain respectful when speaking to your parents, no matter what the situation. This is because your parents deserve respect, and disrespecting them can lead to further conflict.

When speaking to your parents, it is important to remain calm and patient. Don’t interrupt them when they are speaking, and try to be understanding of their opinions. Showing respect to your parents can help to ensure that the conversation goes smoothly and that you can reach a compromise.

It is also important to be prepared when negotiating with your parents. Make sure you have thought through your arguments and have a clear understanding of your position. This will help to make sure that you can present your case in a clear and concise manner.

Finally, it is important to remember that your parents are trying to do what is best for you. They may have a different opinion than you, but it is important to remember that they are coming from a place of love. Keeping this in mind can help to ensure that the conversation remains respectful and productive.

6. Negotiate

If you sit down to negotiate with your parents about pushing back your curfew, odds are they won’t say “yes” right away. If you’re lucky they might, but most likely you’ll have to do exactly what you set out to do - negotiate. If your parents want to keep your curfew at 11 o’clock, and you are determined to extend it to 12, ask if they’ll settle for 11:45. They may say no to this time too, but you’ll simply have to continue negotiating until both of you find a time you agree on.


Be prepared with compelling reasons to support your case. Perhaps you could suggest a trial period where if you honor the extended curfew responsibly, it could become permanent. Remember, good negotiation is about compromise. Show them that you understand their concerns by offering to check in at certain times or share your location on your phone. Demonstrating that you're considering their feelings and safety concerns can be the very thing that sways them in your favor.

7. Be Patient

Let’s assume the worst case scenario - your parents say no. They won’t budge, not one bit. You walk away feeling defeated and open up the Ben & Jerry’s to wallow. But before you lift that spoon full of Chunky Monkey to your pouting mouth, remember this: be patient! Your parents may be iron-willed now, but give them a few days or weeks to chew over the ideas you presented. After they consider all of your past maturity, respect, responsibility, and have time to appreciate the arguments you made, they may just change their minds! So, while "no" does mean no, it may not stay that way forever!

If you’re at a point where you need to negotiate some basic rules with your parents, it’s important to be prepared for the actual negotiation. It may just happen that your parents totally agree with you, and eagerly switch up the rules to make you happier. But, most likely you’ll have to do some serious negotiating to get your way. What other tips do you have for teens negotiating with their parents? What do you need to negotiate with your parents?

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Hope dez work!

"Acting like an adult" can backfire really bad, some parents take it as disrespect. It depends on ur parents I guess, but the other tips seem great

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