7 Education Quotes That Will Motivate You for the New School Year ...


When you once again, suddenly find yourself cooped up in a classroom, you may need some motivating education quotes to gear you up for the new school year. Each new school year has something exciting to offer. There are school dances and football games to look forward to. There is also a lot to look forward to in the classroom. You get to learn new concepts and read new books that can help you grow as person. However, it can be difficult to see these benefits when you are doing homework all weekend long, which is why you may want to keep these education quotes on hand to keep you motivated while you are doing tedious homework assignments.

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1. Developing Your Mind

Developing Your Mind There are many education quotes to inspire you, including William Deresiewicz's statement. While your education is invaluable to your future career, the real value of an education is that it develops your mind. You learn to be a critical thinker, solve problems, and analyze situations. All of these skills will serve you well in life and help you be successful in whatever you set out to do.

2. Tedious Work

Tedious Work Although learning can be fun and exciting, it is often tedious. Spending hours reading textbooks is not the same as spending hours at the beach. However, as Aristotle points out the hard work that you put into your education now will pay off in the end. You just have to be patient for the reward.

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3. Freedom

Freedom Education literally gave Carver freedom, however it can also provide freedom for you. It provides you with freedom to become an independent thinker and to have a career that will help you be independent. No matter what your situation is, education is your key to the golden door.

4. Life Itself

Life Itself Often, people think education is preparation for what is to come. However, learning is what life is all about. Whether you are learning in school or learning by experience something, you are constantly receiving an education, which helps you grow.

5. High Hopes

High Hopes Education, confidence, hope, and peace are not necessarily ideas that people always pair together, but Confucius did. Confucius declared it can be so. Your education is invaluable to you and the world around you. Being educated will give you confidence to go after what you want. It will also help you develop an understanding of the world and other cultures, which can foster hope and peace by teaching tolerance.

6. An Open Window

An Open Window What you learn in school can offer you so many opportunities. It can provide you with a chance to step out of a window and enter other worlds, just like Alice in Wonderland. You just have to be willing to learn and let your education open windows for you.

7. Knowledge is Your Investment

Knowledge is Your Investment Knowledge is an investment. It is an investment in your future, and it can help you gain so much. Not only can you grow as a person with knowledge, but you can also gain the information you need to have a successful career.

Being able to receive an education is a blessing, but it does not always seem like it when you are cramming for a test. However, if you look at the big picture, you can see that education is invaluable. Which of these quotes do you find to be the most motivating?

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