7 Ways to Have Fun This Weekend While Staying Sober ...

Vanessa Apr 16, 2014

Believe it or not, there are so many ways to have fun this weekend without having to go out and drink all night! Take a look at this list and then invite a bunch of your friends to join you. You'll be surprised at how much you'll have! After all, nothing beats being surrounded by great company, right? Check out some of the cool ways to have fun this weekend while staying sober!

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1. Girls Night in

A girls night in can be JUST as fun as a GNO (girls night out). Instead of spending hours getting ready to go out, spend those hours with your friends in the comfort of your own home. Rent a bunch of movies, have a serious bake-off, and just have a good ol' fashioned slumber party. If you're thinking "a slumber party? how childish!", trust me, you're never to old to have a night in with your girls. It's an awesome way to connect and have fun. Oh, but don't have TOO much chocolate or you'll just end up chocolate-wasted! A girls night in is just one of the ways to have fun this weekend.

2. Dine in Theaters

Remember when you used to go out to dinner and then go out again to a movie? Why not just combine the two and head on over to a dine-in theater? They're awesome! Invite your best friend to join you! You'll both be lounging in super comfortable chairs, eating your favorite foods while watching the newest movie. I always have a blast each time I go!

3. Go Bowling

Bowling is such an awesome weekend activity, especially if you invite a bunch of your friends. Things get pretty competitive pretty quickly - so make sure you're on the winning team. Personally, I suck at bowling but it's always so much fun to watch people do it. Or, if you're so bad at it (like I am), host a tournament at your house on the Wii! That, I'm good at!

4. Have a Game Night

This may sound lame but it's SO not. Bring out your inner-child by bringing out all the old board games. I'm talking Monopoly, Life, Clue, etc. Don't forget to play card games too. Invite all your friends over, divide into teams, and try your hand at charades. My all-time favorite is Ellen DeGeneres' app, "Heads Up". If you've never played, try it. You'll LOVE it.

5. Cross Something off Your Bucket List

Don't leave for tomorrow what you can do today, right? Take a look at your bucket list, find something you KNOW is possible, and tackle it. It could be something like "take up an instrument" or "watch all the movies Steve Carell is in" (oops those two are mine)! Tell a friend to join you - you'll be spending the weekend doing things you really want to do!

6. Take Walk in the Park

Think about it, when was the last time you really went to the park and enjoyed the outdoors? Yeah, it was when you were five and your mom was there with you! Go out there again! Walk around the park, breathe in that spring air, and maybe even pack a picnic!

7. Go See a Play

Stop saying you'll go see a play "one day" and go THIS weekend. Buy tickets to your local theater's production or, if you live in New York, go out and see a Broadway play!

Well, there you have it! Who knew there were so many cool ways to have fun without having to drink? Remember, "sober is sexy"! Of course, that doesn't mean you can't ever go out for the occasional drink with your friends. It's just cool to know that you can have fun without any of that. What are your favorite weekend activities to have fun while staying sober? Of the list, which activity will you be doing next?

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