7 Types of Guys You'll Meet in School and How to Deal with Them ...

Sabrina Jan 28, 2025

7 Types of Guys You'll Meet in School and How to Deal with Them  ...
7 Types of Guys You'll Meet in School and How to Deal with Them  ...

High school in movies isn’t the whole picture; everything isn’t black and white with your nice, gorgeous guys and mean, equally gorgeous jerks. There are so many personality types that you’ll encounter in high school, some good, some bad, some in between! Here’s how to deal with a few of the most common ones.

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1. The Fabulous Bestie

You might become friends with him because you notice that you’re wearing the same H&M sweater one day, and he’ll compliment your fashion sense as he flips his hipster haircut. This is your fabulous bestie! He doesn’t fit into any one clique, but rather he’s pretty much friends with everyone! How will you deal with him? Almost exactly the way you would with any of your girl friends, just try not to verbally acknowledge his femininity all of the time. But gratefully accept his fashion advice, talk about your favorite reality shows, and take frequent trips to the mall.


The Fabulous Bestie is the guy you'll meet in school who crosses gender boundaries with his fashion sense and outgoing personality. He's got a hipster haircut and is always up on the latest trends. He's friends with everyone, and he's the perfect go-to for fashion advice. When dealing with him, treat him the same way you would any of your girl friends. Don't make a big deal out of his femininity, but do take advantage of his fashion advice and enjoy going shopping together. He's sure to make your school experience a lot more fun!

2. The Know It All and Tell It All

Teenage boys often feel the need to prove themselves, so they’ll brag about anything from how far they can throw a football, to how amazing their intellect is. Odds are, you’ll get stuck sitting next to the know-it-all in at least one class in high school. And, since he is trying to stand out, he won’t be quiet about it—he might try to bring you down to show that he’s smarter, and therefore more of a man. I know it sounds weird; but boys are weird! But just let him have his prideful moments and ignore him as best as you can. If he gets too cocky though, don’t hesitate to put him in his place.


The know-it-all and tell-it-all is a common type of guy you'll meet in school. He might talk about his abilities in sports, or his intelligence, and often try to bring others down to make himself feel better. This type of guy is usually trying to prove himself, and can be quite cocky. It's important to remember that his behavior is often just a way of masking his insecurities. The best way to deal with him is to ignore him and not take his comments to heart. If he gets too cocky, don't hesitate to stand up for yourself and put him in his place. It's important to remember that you don't have to let his behavior affect you.

Frequently asked questions

Absolutely, high school is like a melting pot of personalities! They might have different interests, styles, and ways of interacting, but at the end of the day, they're all just trying to figure themselves out like everyone else.

Awww, shy guys can be the sweetest! Just be kind and patient. Start with small talk and find common interests. Sometimes just being genuine and giving them space to open up when they're ready is the best approach.

Oh, there's such a variety! You might run into the jock, the nerd, the class clown, the creative artist, the shy guy, the player, and maybe even the mysterious loner. Each one can bring something different to your high school experience.

It can be a bit much, right? Try not to let it get to you. Sometimes they just want attention or feel the need to prove themselves. A little patience helps. Maybe give a compliment when it's genuine – sometimes that's all they need!

Ah, the player type. They often seem charming and might flirt with a lot of people. A telltale sign is if their stories don't always add up or they don't follow through on commitments. Trust your gut, but also give people the benefit of the doubt sometimes!

3. The Druggie

My sophomore year Spanish class, I was seated in front of all three of the class’s “burnouts”. They would talk about drug deals—in class!—fail to understand anything, copy my assignments, and once one tried to massage my back…sin permiso! Clearly, that wasn’t the greatest situation, so here’s how to deal with it: ignore them. Snap at them when they touch you or say something really dumb or alarming, but generally just don’t get involved! Life will punish them plenty in the future.


The Druggie is one of the seven types of guys you will meet in school. They are the ones who talk about drug deals, fail to understand anything, copy assignments and try to touch you without permission. The best way to deal with them is to ignore them and respond with a firm “no” if they try to touch you. It is important to remember that life will eventually punish them for their actions. Druggies may also be more likely to engage in other risky behaviors such as drinking and smoking, so it is important to stay away from them.

4. The Heartthrob

TV and movies have a tendency to be misleading; sorry to disappoint, but most high school boys are far more zit-faced and lanky-armed than Zack Efron. But… there’s always that one. The teacher dotes on him, even though he isn’t the brightest, his coach praises him as the best football player on campus, the girls’ locker room is abuzz with gossip about him. Because something about him—his eyes, his smile, or his overall presence just, wow. Your heart skips a beat whenever he strolls into class late and, if you’re lucky, sits in the empty seat next to you. Now what do you do? Um, talk to him, duh! No matter how awkward you think you are, you’re prettier, smarter, and lovelier than you think! If you woman up and speak to your crush, you might just be the lucky one.


The Heartthrob is the classic high school fantasy. He's the one all the girls swoon over, the teacher's pet, and the star athlete. He's the one who makes your heart skip a beat when he walks into the room. The key to dealing with a Heartthrob is to be confident. Don't be afraid to make the first move and talk to him. You never know, he might just be interested in you too! Remember, you're more beautiful, smarter, and lovelier than you think. Don't let your insecurities get in the way of a potential relationship. Even if it's just a friendship, it's worth the effort.

5. The Misogynist

We are lucky to live in a time when feminism and equal rights are on the rise, but there are still some backward-thinking guys out there, even in your own high school! He says things like “She’s just a girl”, whenever a girl has a bright idea, and “Don’t act like such a girl” when his friend acts cowardly. He might even venture to call you bossy or a b*tch when you’re just trying to be a leader. Old habits may die hard, but he isn't beyond help yet. Talk to him as your equal, try to explain why what he’s saying is wrong and hurtful. Odds are, right now it won’t make a huge difference, but your words will plant thoughts in his mind that will grow over the next four years and result in him graduating as less of a jerk.


The Misogynist is a type of guy that can be found in any high school. He is someone who believes that women are inferior and expresses his views through sexist language and actions. He may say things like “She’s just a girl” or “Don’t act like such a girl”, or call someone bossy or a b*tch when they are just trying to lead. It is important to remember that these views are outdated and wrong, and that it is possible to talk to him and explain why his words and actions are hurtful. It may not have an immediate effect, but it is important to plant the seeds of change in his mind so that he can learn to be less of a jerk.

6. The Conundrum

He’s cute, he’s smart, he’s cool, he’s well dressed… but there’s something about him that makes you hate him! He may be cocky, rude, lazy, or otherwise, but it ruins the whole package. On paper he’s perfect, but in person you know he’s bad news. My advice: don’t waste your time trying to fix him. There are plenty of other cute, smart, cool, stylish fish in the sea who don’t have a horrible personality. Just be patient and wait for the whole package to come your way!


This article is about the different types of guys one may encounter in school and how to best deal with them. The sixth type is the Conundrum: he may appear to have all the qualities you look for in a guy, but something about him makes you hate him. He may be cocky, rude, or lazy, and trying to fix him is not worth your time. It's important to remember that there are plenty of other guys out there who don't have a bad personality, so don't settle for someone who isn't the whole package. Patience is key, and eventually you'll find someone who is perfect for you.

7. The Party Animal

Some guys love to party! They think that the law doesn’t apply to them, so you can find them getting drunk and high on any given weekend. However, he's not a total stoner who skips class just to get high.He’s always the life of the party and, even though no one really takes him seriously, you’ve got to love him. He’s fun, energetic, and, as long as you don’t start down his path, there’s nothing wrong with being his friend!

High school is going to be an adventure, I can guarantee that! But if you’re mentally prepared, nothing and no one should shock you too badly. What other types of guys did you meet in high school? How did you deal with them?

Feedback Junction

Where Thoughts and Opinions Converge

My crush is very shy but cute really cute when he talks with people he's very nervous and all etc

No.1 was kind of rude

u forgot the f*ckboy😂😂

I don't agree with number one. Unless high school has changed in the past years

Number 3 was kind of rude

The use and abuse guy. Cant forget him

How about 'The Perfect' I'm just kidding I know they don't exist.

My crush wasn't on this list

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