If you're wondering how to get on your professor's good side, then this article will share with you some easy tricks. From personal experience, it's always good to build a positive relationship with your instructor—even if you'll only be their student for just a semester. Being well acquainted with your professor could get you major "brownie points." It may even benefit you in desperate times, like when you miss a class assignment or exam. This article is not meant to teach you how to manipulate your instructor, but at the same time you want to know how to get on your professor's good side so he or she will not only know you as a student, but as an associate.
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1. Show up to Class
If you want to know how to get on your professor's good side, the first thing you need to learn is consistency. Showing up to class regularly is very important for not only your attendance and grade average, but also your reputation. I understand that college gives you a little more freedom, but there are still set rules and guidelines that need to be followed. Attempt to be present in every lecture, focused and ready to learn. After all, missing class just means that you enjoy wasting money.
2. Always Look Interested
Try to not give your instructor the boredom stare. Avoid falling asleep in class or texting on your cell phone. You want to be 100% engaged in the classroom conversation. Take notes and give eye contact. Nod your head sometimes in agreement with your professor. Throw a little smile at them as a way of saying, “I'm totally hooked on what you're teaching.” You never know just how impressive you may appear to him or her.
3. Go above Expectations
Put in the extra effort! Turn in assignments before the due dates and show up to exam days bright and early. Showing up 10 minutes before the beginning of class may give you a chance to assist your professor in setting up the classroom. As for projects, think outside the box. When permissible, add a little creativity and flair to your presentation that will knock the socks off your professor. Lastly, study outside the classroom to learn additional ideas or philosophies your teacher hasn't covered yet.
4. Volunteer First
Get out of that little paranoid and shy state you're in and speak up, FIRST. I can't recall the number of times I wanted to volunteer, but didn't because I had “classroom fright.” Once I learned that being the icebreaker is not all that bad, it helped me become more acquainted with my instructor and classmates. Every volunteer opportunity after that became easier and less scary to do. I guarantee that you'll pat yourself on the back every time you put yourself out there first.
5. Stay Informed with Current Events
Depending on what subject you're taking, it's smart to be aware of news stories that are relatable to the course material. For instance, if you're enrolled in a social work class, then stay up-to-date with some of the trends or changes within the social work field. Share it with your teacher or use it as a reference during class discussions. You may teach them something knew, or they may find it very impressive that you're into what's happening outside the classroom.
6. Attend Extra Credit Assignments
Sometimes professors will offer you a chance to do extra credit work away from class. Maybe the assignment involves turning in a 5-page essay or researching a topic of interest for a classroom presentation. Whatever the case may be, take the opportunity to show the professor that you're setting yourself up for success. If the extra credit assignment pertains to attending a performance, lecture, museum, or any of the sorts, why not do it? Even if your instructor chooses not to count it as extra credit, it still gives you the option to learn new material outside the classroom.
7. Chat after Class
Do not be afraid to become friendly with your professor. Stay behind after class and chat with them. Start a conversation about the lecture and what you learned from it. Ask them questions on things that may have confused you or made you unsure. Share your own personal viewpoint or concept, but make sure it's of some interest to them. You never know, they may just direct you somewhere interesting or make suggestions that'll help you in the long run.
When you've given your professor a name and face to remember, trust me, they'll remember it for years to come—especially if you were a student they enjoyed having in class. Just make sure you keep it completely professional, and always have a learning mentality when you're confronting your instructor. He or she could fairly well be the reference or source you need for a job someday. What are some other ways you've tried to get on your professor's good side?