You need to pick a New Year's resolution that you'll actually stick to. Of course, it should also be something that'll make your life easier and happier. With that in mind, here are a few New Year's resolutions for college students:
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1. Don’t Procrastinate
You don't want to wait until the last second to write your papers. Even though you've managed to complete assignments quickly in the past, it causes way too much stress. Aim to get your work done early.
2. Make Your Own Food
Instead of always buying fast food or eating Ramen, try learning how to cook some meals on your own. That way, you won't gain as much weight or waste as much money.
3. Use a Notebook Instead of Your Laptop to Take Notes
Don't take your computer to every class with you. You know you'll end up on Facebook instead of paying attention to the teacher.
4. Stop Skipping Class
It's tempting to skip class, especially when the teacher doesn't take attendance. However, if you want to pass, you need to attend as many lessons as you can.
5. Trade Numbers with Other Students
In order to make friends, you have to talk to people. That's why you should ask for someone's number in every class. Then you'll have someone to rant to about the teacher and someone to help you with your assignments.
6. Actually Raise Your Hand in Class
Instead of blankly staring at the board, try to participate during the next semester. It'll raise your grade, and it'll help the time feel like it's going by faster.
7. Keep in Touch with Your Friends from High School
You aren't banned from talking to your old friends. Instead of spending all of your time with your new college friends, take some time out to call up your high school friends.
8. Stop Spending so Much Money on Alcohol
There's nothing wrong with partying during your college years. Of course, you shouldn't waste all of your money on alcohol. There are more important things you need to buy.
9. Go to Bed Early
It's hard to get to bed early, but you'll be more productive and feel more rested if you actually get eight hours of sleep.
10. Get to Class on Time
Showing up late is a bad habit. You don't want to get used to doing it, because if you show up late to your future job, you'll get fired.
11. Read Books Instead of Sparknotes
It's amazing how well you'll do in class if you stop relying on Sparknotes and actually do the readings yourself. You might actually learn something.
12. Keep Your Room Clean
You might not think your room needs vacuuming, but it does. Don't forget to keep it tidy.
13. Keep Your Clothes Washed
Don't wear the same jeans all week without washing them. Take a trip to the laundry room whenever you can.
14. Focus on Your Studies More than Your Crushes
There's nothing wrong with looking for a boyfriend. Just don't let your crushes distract you from your studying.
15. Get along with Your Roommates
You're stuck with your roommates until next year, so you should try to get along with them. Don't pick fights whenever you're bored.
16. Go to Office Hours
It's hard to get to know your professor when there are 100 other students in the class. That's why you should go to office hours to introduce yourself and figure out what the teacher expects from you.
17. Stop Wearing Pajamas to Class
Wake up early enough to brush your hair and put on actual clothes. You'll feel better when you look better.
It might be hard to do these things at first, but they'll make your college life much easier in the end. What's your New Year's resolution going to be?
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