Teenager's Guide on How to Survive High School ...

Carly Mar 9, 2018

Teenager's Guide on How to Survive High School ...
Teenager's Guide on How to Survive High School ...

Want to know how to survive high school? As an adult, when you look back at your high school years, if you had an average or better-than-average experience, it’s likely that you will regard them as some of the best years of your life! They are a time when your responsibilities are still minimal, and your workload isn’t anywhere near as demanding as what it will be when you go on to college and then the working world. However, the problem is that, when you are a hormonal teenager, you can’t always see things for the blessings that they are! Even though you might look back at high school with fondness, there’s no getting away from the fact that whilst you are there, it can sometimes feel like hell on earth! If you are a teen who is currently going through this, here are some tips for how to survive high school.

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1. Stock Your Locker

Always make sure that your locker is stocked full of essentials that are going to make your day easier if you happen to forget something. From extra snacks to extra makeup to deodorant and hair supplies, the more you have, the less likely you are to have a crisis! And that's one of the best answers for how to survive high school.

2. Join Clubs

The more friends you have from different avenues, the more successful and happy your high school career will be. Don’t narrow yourself down to just one group or clique. Try to spread your wings and have friends in different areas by joining clubs that you are interested in.

3. Maintain outside Friends

As well as having different friends in school, it's also important to have friends from outside of school too! This will help you to unwind on weekends and in the evenings, to be able to talk about things that aren’t necessarily related to school and to give you an escape when you want one.

4. Meditate

Meditation isn’t just something for hippy adults and cool mums. It’s also a great form of exercise that you can learn that will help you to remain calm and centered, even when it feels like the pressures of school are really getting on top of you.

5. Eat Well

Something you can do to make your life a little more positive during the high school years is to maintain a healthy and nutritious diet. The healthier you are, the better you will feel both physically and mentally, and this is a great state of mind and body to be in to combat all of the dramas that high school inevitably throws at you.

6. Daily to-do Lists

One way to stop the daily pressures of high school becoming too much for you is to break things down in to smaller, more simple to-do lists that don’t feel as colossal. It will give you clear instructions for the day, and the feeling of satisfaction that you get from ticking things off is great!

7. Parent Time

Make the most of your parents during this time. Always find time to spend with them in the evenings or on the weekends, because even if you don’t want to open your heart to them and tell them about any specific school-related troubles, just being with them and being able to escape from your responsibilities for a bit will be enormously helpful.

8. New Hobbies

Try to add new hobbies and skills to your life to give you something positive to focus on when school is getting you down. You never know how good you might get at something. It might turn from being a good distraction into something that you could actually take further and turn into a possible career.

9. Don’t Be Ashamed to Quit

If you have over-committed to lots of different high school activities and are struggling to keep your head above the water, don’t be afraid to quit a few things in order to save your sanity! It’s not a competition to see who can be involved in the most things. It could be about finding the right balance between having fun and being stable.

10. Mix It up at Lunch

Try not to have lunch with the same people at the same table every single day. If you become too ‘cliquey’, then you will face being much more lonely if something ever goes wrong with your friends, or even if they happen to be away for an extended period of time! Keep all of your options open and be friendly with as many people and groups as you can.

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