Your first few weeks in college will be a difficult time no matter what, but getting along with your roommate will help make the transition so much easier! Right now, the idea of having a roommate might seem like it will only complicate the issue of moving out. However, if you simply get off on the right foot with your roommate, you’ll have an entire year to look forward to exploring your new home with your roommate.
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1. Don’t: Assume
I know that as soon as you found out your roommate, you probably began Facebook stalking her instantly, right? While social media is great for many reasons, it has its downsides, too. If your stalking/“research” causes you to make assumptions about your roommate, stop obsessing! You’ll come in with a bunch of false expectations for how she will act, and that alone might cause an instant divide between you two. Instead, start with a blank slate and build your relationship from there.
2. Do: Discuss
Before you take any actions, discuss them with your roommate. Don’t buy a $300 rug for the common area then demand that your roommates reimburse you. Have an open line of communication with your roommate(s) so that there’s no need for conflict in the future.
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3. Don’t: Be Pushy
Of course, it’s your first day of college and it’s your right to be excited! But you shouldn’t be that one super energetic girl who wants to do everything twice and drag along her roommate each time. That’s the kind of roommate some people fear even more than an antisocial roommate! Be chill and flexible about your schedule and, if you want to do everything, be happy with going out by yourself to not overwhelm your roommate.
4. Do: Stay Positive
Try to be your best self whenever you meet someone new. Don’t be overwhelmingly peppy, but do make an effort to keep the mood light. Avoid falling into old habits of sassiness and sarcasm that your friends back home can handle. If you want to make good first impression, be yourself—but the nicer, more polite version!
5. Don’t: Leave a Trail
I personally need to work on this! I leave a trail of stuff wherever I go, whether it’s shoes, Starbucks cups, or anything in between. But that can be seriously annoying to your roommates, especially if they move in after you and have to treat your dorm like an obstacle course while they’re trying to get settled in. So keep your room neat and tidy at all times.
6. Do: Give Gifts
Who doesn’t love gifts? Even little things like cookies or some wall decals can show your roommate how generous and kindhearted you are! A gesture like that will certainly help you and your roommate get off on the right foot.
7. Don’t: Be Selfish
It’s understandable that if you brought some things from home, like a tea kettle, refrigerator, or coffee maker, that you’ll want to be the primary user. But really, what’s the harm in sharing? Your fridge won’t break under the weight of a few extra apples, and there’s really no point in making tea or coffee for one! So don’t hoard your appliances; let them be used for the greater good, and your roommates will surely appreciate you.
If you’ve never lived with anyone other than family before, dorming will certainly take some adjusting. But by following these do’s and don’ts, you’ll make the process go by a lot more smoothly and your roommates will start feeling like family before you know it! What other advice do you have for first time dormers?