7 Genius Tips on How to Create Good Study Habits ...

Sonya Sep 12, 2018

7 Genius Tips on How to Create Good Study  Habits ...
7 Genius Tips on How to Create Good Study  Habits ...

It’s essential to create good study habits, especially when you want to pass all the exams with flying colours. Taking exams can be a pretty stressful experience for every student and it can even lead to depression or anxiety, especially when you haven’t studied during the year. Every student should learn how to study in an effective way, to efficiently transfer that information from their books and notes into their minds. I’m not saying this is easy, because building good study habits can require a lot of conscious effort on your behalf, but after a while it will become your second nature if you are willing to work hard enough to obtain the results you want. Here are a few very useful tips on how to create good study habits.

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One of the first things you should do is to create a timetable that will help you budget your time wisely, to make sure that you cover all the topics you need to study for a specific exam. Learn how to be more organised when you study! Also, don’t forget to schedule some breaks, to have enough time to rest and assimilate that knowledge you’ve acquired during your study period.


A lot of studies have shown that to get the best results, you should study in 20-50 minute sessions rather than for long hours on end. Take 5-10 minutes breaks after each study period and do whatever you like, something that will relax you and help you feel recharged, so you can get back to studying in a good mood.


Always look for a good study spot that will help you concentrate and try to eliminate all the distractions from that environment. Make sure the place makes you feel comfortable, yet not too comfortable. Make sure you study in a clean, organised, and quiet room, and if you don’t have such in your dorm/house, you could try going to a public library.


Even if you don’t like it and you would prefer to start with something else that interests you more, try to take care of the difficult things first and learn the most important facts at the beginning of your study period. This way, you will have the chance to repeat that new information you’ve acquired, and you will be less likely to forget it. Also, by learning those facts when you are rested, you will assimilate them more quickly and you will also understand them without stressing yourself too much.


Always take notes when you are studying, whether you do it in class when the teacher is explaining something or even if you do it at home when you are learning that material. By doing this, you will memorise the new information much more quickly, you will understand it better, and you will have the possibility to revise those notes later.


Make sure you get enough sleep at night. Even if you think that by sleeping for 3-4 hours every night you will be able to learn more, you are wrong because you will be tired, and you will require a longer period of time to assimilate new information.


If you want to learn how to study in a more efficient way, you join a study group that will allow you to share notes, thoughts, and ideas that will help you better understand the material you have to learn for your exams. If you can’t find a suitable study group, start one of your own.

Do you know any other useful tips on how to create good study habits

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