I’m always looking for great beauty tips for teens, with hopes that one will have the magic touch and transform me! Some do, others have less of a drastic impact. More importantly, many of the most important beauty tips for teens are often neglected, so here’s a friendly reminder of the ones every teen should know!
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1. Go Easy on the Makeup
Makeup is great. It amplifies your natural beauty and makes you feel confident and flawless. That being said, one of the most important and most often ignored beauty tips for teens is “go easy on the makeup”. You're already beautiful, you're already flawless, even if your skin has mountains of acne and you have bags under your eyes! You don't need tons of makeup to cover up who you really are. If you feel more comfortable with makeup on, then by all means wear it, just go easy.
2. Avoid Foundation as Much as Possible
Lots of teenage girls pile on the foundation to cover up acne, or just to look more like Barbie. But there are a few problems with that technique. One being that you end up looking like a “cake face”, someone who is very obviously wearing a ton of makeup. As a teen, your skin already has a natural, effervescent glow! No need to cover it up with pounds of makeup to achieve an airbrushed quality. The second problem is even scarier: the possibility of acne. You use foundation to cover up acne, but eventually it can clog your pores and cause even more acne. It becomes a viscous cycle that can be avoided all together if you just forget the foundation.
3. Use Natural Skin Care
When you’re not wearing makeup, you need to take care of your skin and give it the TLC it deserves. Many companies produce products that exfoliate your skin and clean deep your pores, but they do this with the help of chemicals you’d never find in nature. Just like trees, water, and grass, your skin is part of nature, and can be best cared for by other natural products. When you buy cleanser, toner, body wash and lotion, try to by all natural products; ones with ingredients you can actually pronounce! Even better, you can make your own skin care products at home! Pinterest has great DIY skincare, so find one that’s right for you and get cooking!
4. Shop at Target
When I first started wearing makeup, I made kind of a huge mistake by asking my mom to buy me brands like Dior and Chanel. Being the generous mother that she is, she did so willingly. But eventually, I had to buy my own makeup. So I’d head to the mall, to Nordstrom or Macy’s, and purchase my brand name makeup there. Little did I know my $30.00 blush could be purchased for around $7.00 at target! So, for the benefit of your wallet, begin shopping at Target and Walmart for all of your beauty supply needs!
5. Experiment
When you’re trying out new products, hair styles, and makeup trends, it probably isn’t the wisest decision to do so fifteen minutes before school starts. Experimenting with new looks is fun, and important for teens trying to figure out who they are, but there is a time and place for everything! When trying out new skincare products, you should do so over spring or summer break, so you can observe how your body reacts to it (you wouldn’t want to go to school with red marks all over!) As for hair and makeup, you can give yourself a makeover on the weekends when you have plenty of time to tweak and perfect your new look!
6. Ask around
What you think looks good isn’t what always looks good. In other words, we’re all a little bit biased toward our own work, especially when it comes to making ourselves look pretty! So ask for advice and opinions from your mom, sisters, or aunts who are older and more experienced than you. They can help teach you how to play up your best features, and play down any flaws you think you have. Plus, they’ll honestly tell you what looks best on you, from the color of your blush to the shape of your eyebrows!
7. Let Your Inner Beauty Shine
Last but certainly not least, you must always let your inner beauty shine. This is the most important beauty tip for any woman of any age, because while external beauty may change or fade, inner beauty lasts forever. Live kindly, peacefully, and respectfully and people will see your inner beauty radiate from miles away! Remember that at the end of the day, your makeup will wash off, but how you’ve made others feel will last a lifetime.
There’s rarely a teen who doesn’t care about how she looks. And it’s only natural to constantly be on the hunt for great beauty tips! If you want to present the prettiest you possible, follow these beauty tips every day! What beauty tip do you think is most important?
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